Gene therapy digest - 2021

Gene therapy digest - 2021

XyloCor advances its lead gene therapy candidate for refractory angina to Phase 2

XC001 (AAV gene therapy; Phase 2) – XyloCor Therapeutics

  • Phase 1 dose-escalation part of Phase 1/2 clinical trial (EXACT) for XC001 (encoberminogene rezmadenovec) was completed
  • XC001 delivers the gene for VEGF in targeted myocardial cells, stimulating the creation of new blood vessels via angiogenesis
  • It employs a proprietary multi-isoform VEGF expression cassette that has been optimized to maximize expression of VEGF
  • XC001 is being investigated as an one-time treatment for improving exercise tolerance in patients who have chronic angina that is refractory to standard medical therapy and not amenable to conventional revascularization procedures
  • In May 2017, FDA granted fast track designation for XC001 (For full story click here)

XyloCor’s funding extension moves its regenerative heart disease gene therapy further in the clinics

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CI Scientists Commentary:

  • XyloCor $22.6 million Series A extension three years after its first fundraiser helped in the completion and expansion of their clinical trials
  • Planned studies:
    • Phase 2 study for XC001 as adjunctive therapy to coronary artery bypass grafting in 2H21
    • Trial in heart failure caused by ischemic heart disease and as adjunctive therapy to percutaneous coronary intervention

– Dr. Kowndinya, CI Scientists